Chuck Tender Steak
Flavor: 4 Out Of 5
Tenderness: 2 Out Of 5
Alternative Names: Chuck Mock Tender Steak, Chuck Clod Tender, Fish Steak, Chuck Fillet Steak, Scotch Tender
The chuck mock tender steak which comes from the shoulder clod is a lean flavorful steak that has a misleading name.It resembles the beef tenderloin steak and although tender is in the name it really is not a tender cut, this steak should be braised or used with a tenderizing marinade before grilling, broiling or pan-searing.
Steak cuts from the chuck area are very tasteful and fatty. The chuck happens to be a heavily exercised muscle and contains a great deal of connective tissue including collagen.
Collagen melts during cooking, making the meat intensely flavorful. Cooking steak from this area benefit from slow, wet cooking methods.
1. Season the steak with salt and pepper to taste and add any of your favorite seasoning.
2. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a deep skillet to medium high if you wish to cook stove top. Another option is to heat a lightly oiled dutch oven, or stock pot, beginning on the stove on medium high and later transporting to the oven.
3. When the oil has heated up, about 3 minutes, add the steak and sear 2-3 minutes on each side until nicely browned. You can add slices of onion, garlic, peppers etc. if desired with the steak during the searing process.
4. Add enough liquid (such as beef broth, chicken broth, canned soup, canned tomatoes, red wine, water or any combination) to just cover the steak.
5. Bring liquid to a boil on medium high heat, then quickly reduce to low heat to maintain a slow simmer. Don't boil, this will toughen rather than tenderize the beef. Keep lid on tight and don't lift unnecessarily, no need to turn steak and simmer 75-90 minutes until fork tender.
If you are using a dutch oven or stockpot, preheat oven to 300 degrees, and once liquid is simmering, transfer pot with lid, to oven for 75-90 minutes until fork tender. Braising is the most recommended method for beef chuck steak recipes.
The chuck tender offers a great beef flavor and are cheap compared to cuts from the rib and loin, if cooked properly they can be just as good as the premium cuts.
US To Metric System Chart
Oven Temperatures
Fahrenheit (°F) Celsius (°C)
125° 52°
150° 66°
175° 80°
200° 93°
225° 107°
250° 121°
275° 135°
300° 149°
325° 163°
350° 177°
375° 190°
400° 205°
425° 218°
450° 232°
475° 246°
500° 260°